Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Peregrine Falcon [Falco peregrinus]

Unlike the other species that I researched on the WEB, the Peregrine Falcon is treated with seriousness almost everywhere I visited. Perhaps this is because Peregrines, the worlds swiftest birds, are endangered in Canada and in many places in the United States.

Like the Whooping Crane, the Peregrine Falcon connects people throughout Canada and the United States, but even moreso, in the cause of protecting and reestablishing them. And, uniquely, there are pages to visit that show live viewing of their nesting sites in several North American cities.

I also found that there are many centres in Canada and the United States devoted to the recovery of the endangered raptors [birds of prey] including the Peregrine Falcon. Many committed individuals, sometimes assisted by governments, but mostly surviving on small, inadequate budgets, are doing what they can to ensure that these marvelous, swift-winged predators remain in our world. Not surprisingly, I discovered that they can use our support!

Food: Peregrines can reach speeds close to 320 km-h in a downward dive. They use their speed and agility to catch birds in mid-air. Their prey range in size from sparrows to large waterfowl such as ducks.

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