Sunday, September 13, 2009


Bilby bandicoot muzzle characteristic long ears and very long. They are about 29-55 cm in length. Compared with bandicoots, they have a longer tail, bigger ears, and soft, silky fur. The size of the ears, full version of them have a better hearing. They are nocturnal omnivores do not need to drink water because it moisture they need from their food, like insects and their larvae, seeds, spiders, onions get, fruits, mushrooms and small animals. Most food is found by scratching or digging the soil, and their language is very long.

Unlike possums, they are excellent burrowers and build systems of narrow tunnels with their front legs strong and well developed claws. A Bilby make a rule, a number of tubes in his home area, to about a dozen, and moves between them, for both protection from predators and the heat of the day. The cover Bilby female faces back, which prevents the bag to fill with dirt while she is digging.

Bilbi have a very short gestation period of about 12 bi

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