Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Life on Earth since the era of Devonia about 380 million years ago and did not evolve. This is older than dinosaurs (200 million years ago). In the world there are two species (Latimeria chalumnae and Latimeria menadoensis). L. species chalumnae was first discovered in the Comoros Islands, Africa, in 1938. L. species menadoensis first discovered in Manado, North Sulawesi, in 1998.
The experts thought the coelacanth was extinct since 10 million years ago.

This fish lives at depths of 150-200 meters at a temperature of 12-18 degrees Celsius in the recesses of caves lava rock. A carnivore is a predator with prey on small fish at night.Coelacanth is placed parallel to the air-breathing fish species in the lungs (Lungfish) and primitive amphibians in the family tree bony fishes. Coelacanth eggs hatch in the stomach, but not classified as marine mammals.
There are still many things not known about these fish because of extremely rare. Its body structure has a belly fins (pectoral), pectoral fin (pelvic), anal and fell back like a human hand. Its length can reach 1.5 meters and weigh 40 kg.

Sumber: Kompas

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