Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Orange-breasted Sunbird

The beautiful Orange-breasted Sunbird Anthobaphes violacea is endemic to the fynbos of southwestern South Africa, but also occurs in parks and gardens. Often tame and quite approachable (especially in eg Botanic Gardens), the Orange-breasted Sunbird is a common breeder across its limited range, and an altitudinal migrant moving to to higher altitudes during the southern summer in search of flowers.

The Orange-breasted Sunbird is associated with Ericas (commonly known as ‘heathers’ in the UK), from which it takes nectar, insects (often caught in flight) and spiders. Unmissable at Kirstenbosch Botanic Gardens, even a short visit here will bring good views of these stunning birds - often seen first of all as they rocket overhead chasing each other giving loud “click” calls.

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