Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Hunting Methods of Tiger

Tigers normally hunt looking for large herbivores, examples include Sambar deer, the wild boar, gaur, water buffalo and domestic cattle. It is known that old or injured tigers are most likely to attack domestic livestock, these tigers are the commonly called "tigers attacks people", which often leads to these cats are terribly eliminated by man. It is known that in the swamps of Sundarbans, which is where most incidents occur as these, many tigers healthy and in perfect condition have sought to attack humans.

The tiger uses his size and strength to beat his potential prey and pull it out of balance. Despite its large size, the Tigers can reach speeds of up to 72 km / h; also uses your muscles to support and bring down their prey, especially if large, as a gaur. Once the animal is in the ground, the tiger bites the back of the neck, often breaking the spinal cord, or piercing the trachea, giving his prey a death almost immediately.

The adult tigers are able to jump up to 5 meters, or 9 or 10 m in length, making it one of the highest mammals that can fly (only behind the Puma on the jumping ability).

Tiger claws (which typically measure about 7.5 cm long), combined with the strength that can be used to hit, make him capable of killing an adult ruminant with a single blow.

Extinct species

During the twentieth century, three subspecies have become extinct due to hunting and habitat degradation:

* The Bali tiger (P. t. Balice) existed only in the remote island of Bali. Balinese tigers were hunted and hunted to extinction, the September 27, 1937, with an adult female in Sumbar Kima hunted in the west of Bali. The Bali tiger was the smallest tiger subspecies, with maximum weight of 100 kg in males and 80 females.

* The Javan tiger (P. t. sondaica) lived alone on the island of Java. Probably, the subspecies is extinct since the late 70s, as a result of hunting and habitat destruction, but his disappearance and was likely in the early '50s (when it was thought that there were fewer than 25 copies in the wild). The last Javan tiger was seen in 1979.

* The Caspian tiger (P. t. virgata) was the only tiger that lived in western Asia, spanning countries such as Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Russia and Turkey. Suffered a campaign of extermination in Tsarist Russia. The Russian was killed last issue in today's Azerbaijan in 1923, and the subspecies disappeared forever when the last tiger was hunted Iran in 1959. It was a large tiger, almost as large as the Bengal tiger, and the males could reach 240 kg. It was one of the two subspecies of tiger (with India) that in addition to the Atlas lion and other animals were used by the Romans to fight with gladiators.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Territory And Reproduction of Tiger

Adult tigers are usually fiercely territorial. The tigers may have a territory of 20 km ², while the territory of the male is much larger, covering an average area of 80 km ², however the size of the territory depends on the different populations of the tiger, being larger territories belonging the tigers of Southeast Russia than any other tiger subspecies. The male tigers may allow the entry of several females to their territory, to the point of sharing a dam and even eat after the female (in the case of the lion, is exactly the opposite, it is the dominant male in feeding the first ), but can not tolerate the entry of other male tigers in its territory.

Because of its aggressive nature, territorial conflicts between tigers are violent, and may end with the death of one of the males, but such deaths are rarer than thought, as in most struggles for territory males end up virtually unscathed. To mark their territory, the male sprays urine or other secretions on trees.

There are several techniques to study the tiger in the wild, a few years ago, tiger populations were calculated by the plaster casts taken of their prints. At present, the radio collar has become a very popular instrument for the study of the tiger in the wild.


A female is only receptive for a few days, and mating may occur several times over time. Gestation lasts about 103 days, and after spending this period, the female gives birth to 3-4 pups less than 1 kilogram. Adult males can kill babies to make receptive females.

When completing 8 weeks of age, pups are ready to leave their den and follow her mother. Juveniles become independent around 18 months old, but even an approximate age between two and two and half do not separate it from your mother. Tigers reach sexual maturity at 3 or 4 years old. The young tigers territory usually set very close to his mother, while males tend to wander in search of a territory that normally acquired through struggles with the male owner of a certain territory. The tigers usually give birth to a similar number of males and females throughout life.
The well-bred tigers are in zoos or other conservation sites, and the United States alone, the population of tigers in captivity is as large as the total number of tigers in the wild.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Mongoose Animal Cultivation

Asian Palm Civet is a mammal, including mongoose and the mongoose family (Viverridae). Scientific name is Paradoxurus hermaphroditus and in Malaysia known as the weasel pulut. It is also called by various other titles such as musang (common name Betawi), careuh (Sunda), luak or luwak (Java), and the common palm civet, common mongoose, mongoose house.
Weasel was of medium, with a total length of about 90 cm (including tail, about 40 cm or less). Brownish gray with a black-brown tail smooth. Side of the body brownish gray, with variations of brown, red. Line the back darker, usually a three or five dark lines that are not so clear, halting, or forming a row of large spots. Sides and abdomen paler. There are a few faint spots on the sides of his body. Face, legs and tail dark brown to black. Forehead and face up to the sides below the ears whitish color, like gray. A black line through the dimly in the middle of the forehead, from the nose to the head. Females have three pairs of nipples.

Scientific classification

Kingdom: Animalia,
Phylum: Chordata, Class: Mammalia, Order: Carnivora, Family: Viverridae, Subfamily: Paradoxurinae, Genus: Paradoxurus.

Asian Palm Civet is one wild mammal species are often found in some residential and even urban areas. Animals are very good at climbing and are arboreal, more often wandered over the trees, though not too shy to come down to the ground. Weasel is also nocturnal, active at night to find food and other life activities.
In the dark night is not uncommon mongoose seen walking on the roof of the house, climbing the power cord to move from one building to another building, or even down to the ground near the home kitchen. Asian Palm Civet also like secondary forests. Weasel is often accused of being a chicken thief, although more likely to eat a variety of fruit in the garden and yard. Including papayas, bananas, and fruit tree african (Maesopsis eminii). Other prey are a variety of insects, mollusks, earthworms, lizards and various other small animals that can catch, including small mammals like mice. In places where ordinary passes, on the rock or hard soil, often found in civet dung heap of different grains that are not digested in it. Presumably this weasel digestion so short and simple, so that the seeds came out again with the whole. Because it precisely, it is said mongoose choose fruit really ripe for a meal. So popular term Luwak coffee from Java, derived from a choice of coffee beans mongoose, and has experienced 'process' through the digestive.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

New Species

Serangga Bunglon, I gave him a Serangga Bunglon because insects are similar to the chameleon, not a chameleon-like shape but the color changes, which like a chameleon when he was in a different place. insect color was really beautiful was not only a unique form very interesting to me.
serangga bunglon are new species, like a grasshopper body size, food grass and leaves, is found in subtropical regions.

no in-depth research on new species of this insect, because the insect is quite difficult to find.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Animals Endemic Indonesia

Maleo are animals bird species found only in Indonesia, these animals belong to animals that are protected by the Indonesian government.
since 1990 "Maleo" defined as "Animal Mascot" region of Central Sulawesi.
maloe body size reached 3 kg with a length of 23 cm. Body size as Females and Males. Eggs are oval, ± 11 cm long with a diameter of ± 6 cm, weight 230 grams with a white color reddish.

Habitat: a place to live maleo are sandy areas, or sandy river and there are unisex living near hot springs in the forest and sandy beaches.

Dissemination: the spread maleo limited on the island of sulawesi (endemic) and in Central Sulawesi. in Central Sulawesi there are several places in the set as maleo conservation area, including SM Bakiriang in Banggai, SM Pinjan / Tanjung Matop in District Toli-toli,Nature Reserve Morowali in Poso district. And National Park Lore Lindu including Donggala.

Uniqueness Maleo: First, Maleo pat on the head which has a bulge in use to detect the heat of the earth that is suitable for the eggs to hatch (Although this still requires scientific evidence). Second, the size of the egg maleo five times larger than the size of chicken eggs. Third, because not incubated, so that children who have successfully maleo hatched must fend for themselves out of the ground about 50 cm deep (some even reaching 1 metres). Does not stop there, the boy who had just reached the ground already has the ability to fly and feed themselves (without the care of the mother). But alas, the ability to survive that they have already proved not enough to prevent them from ambush predators, (including monitor lizards, eagles, and snakes).