Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Mongoose Animal Cultivation

Asian Palm Civet is a mammal, including mongoose and the mongoose family (Viverridae). Scientific name is Paradoxurus hermaphroditus and in Malaysia known as the weasel pulut. It is also called by various other titles such as musang (common name Betawi), careuh (Sunda), luak or luwak (Java), and the common palm civet, common mongoose, mongoose house.
Weasel was of medium, with a total length of about 90 cm (including tail, about 40 cm or less). Brownish gray with a black-brown tail smooth. Side of the body brownish gray, with variations of brown, red. Line the back darker, usually a three or five dark lines that are not so clear, halting, or forming a row of large spots. Sides and abdomen paler. There are a few faint spots on the sides of his body. Face, legs and tail dark brown to black. Forehead and face up to the sides below the ears whitish color, like gray. A black line through the dimly in the middle of the forehead, from the nose to the head. Females have three pairs of nipples.

Scientific classification

Kingdom: Animalia,
Phylum: Chordata, Class: Mammalia, Order: Carnivora, Family: Viverridae, Subfamily: Paradoxurinae, Genus: Paradoxurus.

Asian Palm Civet is one wild mammal species are often found in some residential and even urban areas. Animals are very good at climbing and are arboreal, more often wandered over the trees, though not too shy to come down to the ground. Weasel is also nocturnal, active at night to find food and other life activities.
In the dark night is not uncommon mongoose seen walking on the roof of the house, climbing the power cord to move from one building to another building, or even down to the ground near the home kitchen. Asian Palm Civet also like secondary forests. Weasel is often accused of being a chicken thief, although more likely to eat a variety of fruit in the garden and yard. Including papayas, bananas, and fruit tree african (Maesopsis eminii). Other prey are a variety of insects, mollusks, earthworms, lizards and various other small animals that can catch, including small mammals like mice. In places where ordinary passes, on the rock or hard soil, often found in civet dung heap of different grains that are not digested in it. Presumably this weasel digestion so short and simple, so that the seeds came out again with the whole. Because it precisely, it is said mongoose choose fruit really ripe for a meal. So popular term Luwak coffee from Java, derived from a choice of coffee beans mongoose, and has experienced 'process' through the digestive.