Monday, October 5, 2009

Animals Endemic Indonesia

Maleo are animals bird species found only in Indonesia, these animals belong to animals that are protected by the Indonesian government.
since 1990 "Maleo" defined as "Animal Mascot" region of Central Sulawesi.
maloe body size reached 3 kg with a length of 23 cm. Body size as Females and Males. Eggs are oval, ± 11 cm long with a diameter of ± 6 cm, weight 230 grams with a white color reddish.

Habitat: a place to live maleo are sandy areas, or sandy river and there are unisex living near hot springs in the forest and sandy beaches.

Dissemination: the spread maleo limited on the island of sulawesi (endemic) and in Central Sulawesi. in Central Sulawesi there are several places in the set as maleo conservation area, including SM Bakiriang in Banggai, SM Pinjan / Tanjung Matop in District Toli-toli,Nature Reserve Morowali in Poso district. And National Park Lore Lindu including Donggala.

Uniqueness Maleo: First, Maleo pat on the head which has a bulge in use to detect the heat of the earth that is suitable for the eggs to hatch (Although this still requires scientific evidence). Second, the size of the egg maleo five times larger than the size of chicken eggs. Third, because not incubated, so that children who have successfully maleo hatched must fend for themselves out of the ground about 50 cm deep (some even reaching 1 metres). Does not stop there, the boy who had just reached the ground already has the ability to fly and feed themselves (without the care of the mother). But alas, the ability to survive that they have already proved not enough to prevent them from ambush predators, (including monitor lizards, eagles, and snakes).

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the good information about animals and plants.
